Monday, April 16, 2012

Birthday Boy!

Seth turned 6 this weekend!  I can't believe he's 6, wasn't he a baby just yesterday?!

  When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday dinner he told me he wanted to eat Subway at the beach.  That was a little over a week ago and although what he wanted to eat changed many, many times the location stayed the same.  

We woke up early Saturday morning, sang happy birthday, ate birthday doughnuts and packed up for the beach.  For the last few weeks the weather has been pretty much the same every day, chilly in the mornings, warming up to perfect beach weather by 10, and then unbearably warm by 2pm.  Of course the weather broke its pattern this weekend.  

I don't think we saw the sun once on Saturday, in fact the closer we got to the beach the dark the skies became.  We also lost about 5 degrees while gaining stiff winds.  

For the sake of the birthday boy and the ridiculous amount of gas we wasted driving out, we endured, and when I say "we", I mean, Jed and I, the boys wouldn't have cared if it was snowing!  

While I sat in a chair, wrapped in a towel, the boys took their new boogie boards (one of Seth's birthday presents) into the surf.  They rode the waves for as long as they could, until they finally broke down with blue lips and uncontrollable shivering.  Even so, as we drove home Seth announced that it was the best birthday of his life!  

The rest of the day was spent playing his new Wii game while waiting for his new remote control monster truck to charge, driving his truck around the house and finally making our way to McDonalds for Happy Meals (he finally settled on his choice for dinner).

I was far too cold to get pictures at the beach so you'll have to settle for McDonalds pictures.  It was only their second Happy Meal ever so it was quite the novelty!

Discovering what was in his bag of deliciousness!

A happy meal for a happy 6 year old! 

It had been a long time since I had seen the contents of a happy meal, the mini fries cracked me up!  

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