Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A Weekend

This past weekend was pretty uneventful.  We had small group on Friday, went to breakfast at the new Big Boy in town on Saturday (Big Boy is a new thing down here and people love it) and Sunday we went to church and then just relaxed.  While both boys were napping, Sunday, Jed and I took advantage and jumped in the pool.  Usually when we take Evan one of the two of us is holding him and the other is trying to entertain him, its fun but a lot of work.  I jumped on the aligator we inherited from Jed's sister and layed in the sun for about an hour.  I didnt even apply sunscreen that how carefree I was feeling (anyone who's been to the beach with me knows that I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to protecting myself from the sun).  
 Oh so relaxing!
The boys did eventually get up from their naps and here are some pictures from the rest of our weekend.
 After I fed Seth some fruit and cereal Evan decided to help me out by wiping up the mess.  He was very gentle with his brother. 
 But Seth still didnt appreciate his brothers help.
Whenever I go out somewhere with the boys people always tell me that my "hands are full" and I guess they're right.  I wouldnt have it any other way though.

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