Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Sometimes I need to get stuff done around the house.  It used to be that I could put on a cartoon and uninteruptedly make dinner, clean the bathroom or just sit and sip some coffee but my boys are smarter than that now.  They notice when I'm busy doing something and take full advantage, getting into as much trouble as possible and making huge messes.  Who can blame them, sometimes its super fun to take all the cushions off the couch and jump on them!   So for the sake of our couches and my sanity I've come up with some fun stuff for the boys to do.
Driving cars through rice kept them entertained for almost an hour!  Which then led to my next idea,
I gave them each a couple of oreos in a bowl to crush up and once the were done they had "dirt" to drive their cars through.  They ate a lot of the dirt before they got to play with it.
I put shaving cream on a cookie sheet for them to play with not intending for them to involve cars this time but apparently cars + anything equals a good time! 
Seth got a little carried away.  Fortunatley shaving cream cleans up easy enough!
A better option for Seth is dressing up and make believing that he's a puppy or "cwipperds" as he calls himself. :)
Last but not least, Evan loves cleaning, I'm serious the kid is a neat freak so letting him help where he can keeps him quite occupied!  In the morning he wakes up and immediately asks to vacuum, its awesome! 

This one is a different story, he loves to be held and who could resist him?   Fortunately he naps a lot. :)&

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