Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lunch Time Convo

Me:  "Boys do you know who is coming to visit in 2 days?"
Evan: "I dont know." 
Seth continues to suck his thumb uninterested.
Me: "Guess!"
Evan: "Yay, Sethy, Guess is coming, Guess is coming!"  Bouncing in his seat, clasping his hands in front of him, with a huge smile on his face! 
Me: "No Evan, you have to guess."  While laughing.
Evan: "Guess who?" Confused but still very excited.
Me: "Hmmm, how do I explain the concept of guessing to a 4 year old?" 
Evan:  "I dont know."
Me: "Ok, can you tell me who you think is coming to visit us in two days?" 
Seth & Evan: "Guess!"
Me: "Nope."
Evan: "Joy!"
Me: "Not Joy."
Seth: "JUDAH!"
Me: "Yes! And?"
Evan: "Gigi, Tiernan, baby Siwas, Uncwe Ben, and Aunt Cici!"
Me: "Yes!"
Evan and Seth celebrate while eating their sandwiches!

On Tuesday Seth woke up sick, he had puked all over his bed and the floor, YUCK!  So he spent most of the day laying around the house with a bowl next to him.  He was such a good patient, right before he would get sick he'd yell out for me and I would come, hold the bowl for him and he didnt make a mess at all!  The thing that was cracking me up was that everytime he would get sick, Evan would stand there watching and start dry heaving all while trying to encourage Seth that he was going to be ok, "Seth, its ok, *yack*, dont worry Sethy!"  I finally had to tell Evan to go in the other room!  He such a good big brother!  Anyway, yesterday Seth was fine, back to his usual self and this morning he was great and then he started to get sleepy and cranky and "sick".  I think he really liked all the attention on Tuesday so he's acting sick.  He got himself a blanket, a pillow and a bowl and curls up on the couch, its so cute!  "Mommy my tummy hurts." He says it so pathetically while rubbing his tummy but if you offer him a cookie or to go outside he's all of a sudden perfectly healthy. :)

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