Tuesday, June 10, 2008


- Seth has been doing some pretty funny things.  One thing I have to mention is his running, have you ever seen that episode of Friends where Phoebe and Rachel go jogging?  Well, Seth runs just like Phoebe in that episode, its hilarious!   Its as if his entire body is free to move however it wants just so long as its going forward, more often than not he ends up in a pile on the ground.  Oh how I wish I had video to share with you all! :)   He seems to really enjoy running too, he and Evan will start chasing each other around the house and before I know it Evan's off playing with cars and Seth is still doing laps all by himself.   He loves it when I cheer him on so I've created a song that our whole family sings for him when he's running. :)  Once I counted how many laps he had done, (we have a loop in our house livingroom, kitchen, hallway, entryway, back to the livingroom) up to 35 before getting distracted!
- I have been having some cravings such as, Hot Tamales.  They are all I can think about after lunch.  Its a huge struggle for me because if there are any in the house I will eat them all, literally all of them.   I will make myself sick eating them and its as if I have no control!  If they are not in the house then I cant stop thinking about them.  Its so annoying!  Also my ice craving is back.  Thank goodness though its not as bad this time as before.  With my previous pregnancies I would crave ice everyday and I could eat an entire Big Gulp cup from the gas station in a sitting.  Now my cravings are sporadic and it only takes a few cubes to satisfy me.   Hopefully it doesnt progress the further along I get! 
- A quick report on my gardening "experiment".   About 3 weeks ago we noticed the fruit on our tomato plant was growing but nothing on our watermelon plant.  Jed and I were getting quite discouraged about the watermelon b/c the plant itself was/is taking over our side yard (its like 6 or 7 feet long at this point) but no fruit.  We checked it every single day for a week straight but had kind of given up until last night.  I went out and was shocked when I saw a softball sized melon.  Woohoo!  I cant wait to try growing a bunch of other fruits and veggies this fall ( apparently a much better season to garden here in Florida).  I think I could possibly become a gardening fanatic if I had more time. lol
-We bought a new camera.  I dont know anything about cameras or camera equipment but its a Nikon and its a lot nicer than my little point and shoot Sony.  Both Jed and I like to take pictures and we really cherish the pics of our boys so it just makes sense to have a nice camera.   I think for the first time we've bought a new "toy" that I'm really excited to "play with" and learn about!  :)  
My tomato plant.  I cant wait for the tomatoes to ripen!  Yum!
Such a tiny watermelon for such a giant plant.
My little runner!  I took this pic with our new camera. 
Silly faces with Evan.  Another picture from our new camera.

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