Monday, June 30, 2008

Belly Flopping

Over the weekend we spent a lot of time in our pool.  As we spend more time in the water the boys become more and more brave.  At the beginning of the summer Seth would barely dangle his feet in the water and Evan wouldnt swim away from the stairs.  However now Seth will go onto the second step and walk around, splashing and jumping while Evan well, you can watch the video and see for yourself.

Its pretty funny to watch him belly flop into the water, if only he knew it hurt a lot less going in feet first but there's no reasoning with a three year old! :) 
In pregnancy news, for the last two weeks whenever I stand for any period of time a part of my right thigh goes completely numb.   Apparently it has something to do with my sciatic nerve, thankfully its not too bad.  I hope it doesnt get worse as the baby and I get bigger.   He is getting a lot stronger these days, I dont know exactly what he's doing in there but when he really gets going my entire belly starts wiggling.  Its fun to watch!   

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