Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I just have to say thank you to my sister, Tracy for babysitting the boys last night.  She came over after work so that Jed and I could go out.  We didnt know what to do with ourselves without kids but we were really excited.  After driving around aimlessly we ended up at a book store.  We sat for an hour drinking coffee and looking through books, it was so relaxing.  Unfortunately it wasnt quite so relaxing for Tracy.  Before we even got in the house I could hear Evan throwing a temper tantrum.  I guess while we were gone he took turns with his brother crying and whining, sorry Trace.  Usually they arent that bad but Evan's still getting back to normal after being sick and Seth is sometimes grumpy in the evenings.  So...  THANK YOU AUNT TRACY!!! 

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