Thursday, May 27, 2021

End of School Questions: Celia Edition

The kids and I were looking at the blog recently. It was so much fun to laugh at all the stories and videos. We thought that for our future selves we'd add a couple of updates!  Celia is certainly under represented here so we started with this interview!  

1. What is your favorite color? Pink
2. What is your favorite toy? Probably the Barbie House
3. What is your favorite fruit? Cherries
4. What is your favorite TV show? 
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Ramen Noodles
6. What is your favorite outfit? My really soft, grey dress with a glittery skirt
7. What is your favorite game? Roblox: Brookhaven
8. What is your favorite snack? Frozen applesauce
9. What is your favorite animal? All of them
10. What is your favorite song? There's lots of songs... dont know that one.
11. What is your favorite book? I don't have one
12. Who is your best friend? Paige
13. What is your favorite cereal? Cinnamon Toast Crunch
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Playing with friends 
15. What is your favorite drink? Sprite
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Mr. Flippers
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Cereal
19. What's your favorite dinner? 
20. What would you wish for if you were granted any 3 wishes? For everyone to have a great life, a koala as a pet, and to have another sister
21. How old is dad? 83
22. How old is mom? 51
23. How old is Evan? 12
24. What was your favorite vacation so far? Florida, the house with the waterpark
25. What are you looking forward to this summer? Swimming, playing with Paige, playing outside, go to a waterpark and visit Aunt Becky and Aunt Tracy.
26. What's your favorite candy? yellow gummy bears
27. What's your favorite ice cream? bubble gum
28. What's your favorite season? summer
29. What's your favorite thing about your home? That I have shelter and a place to sleep. My bedroom is the best. 
30. What do you like to collect? Shells
Bonus Question: What do you want to be when you grow up? Zookeeper

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