The other day Jed was holding Kane when he started to stink so Jed passed him off to me and I took him to the changing table. Kane had pooped but it wasnt much so I was teasing Jed telling him he should have taken this one b/c it wasnt bad. Jed walks into our bedroom to say something to me so I looked over at him and just then he gasps, I look down and Kane is pooping all over the changing table! I start laughing and Jed runs to get some napkins. We thought he was done so I started to clean up and he started pooping again so I just held his legs waiting for him to stop. Well, to my surprise (he's never done this before and its not supposed to be an issue at his age according to his dr.) for his big finale he decided to pee all over me, himself, the changing table and even the wall! It was a scene! Thats how he ended up in the bath where this picture was taken. I try to get as many pictures of his blue eyes as possible as I keep waiting for them to turn brown!
I pulled out the boys memory totes to put some stuff away and Evan wandered in. He immediately found his "squeaky" aka his old pacifier and popped it in like he had never given it up! Its been almost 2 years since he quit cold turkey but apparently he's ready to pick it up at any given time. I took some pics before confinscating and hiding the pacifier.
Time for a Christmas picture! The boys know the drill but...
Put their baby brother in between them and they lose it! This is the best picture that I got of the three of them and to prove it,
There's this one. Doesnt it look like Evan's saying, "Mom, give it up this is never going to work."
Then there's this one, all three look thrilled!
Another attempt with grandma, which wasnt too bad.
Why is the infant the only one looking at the camera? :)
Finally I gave up and took them to get a picture with Santa at the mall. They didnt break down crying or try to run away but they were in kind of stunned state. Seth didnt move or speak the entire time he was up there and Evan just kind of whispered to Santa what he wanted. It was so funny!
This little guy stayed home with daddy and napped while I took the other two to see Santa.