Evan and Seth really love to hold and snuggle with Kane, it amazes me. I always thought that little girls were fascinated by babies not boys. Its so funny whenever Kane starts to cry Evan tries to calm him down by saying, "Dont worry baby Kane its me, Evan." He thinks Kane is afraid of something and if he reassure Kane its just him then he'll stop crying. When Kane doesnt stop crying then Evan is convinced that Kane doesnt like him! I've tried explaining to Evan that babies just cry but he still takes it personal, poor kid. :)
This week has been filled with stuff every night and finally tonight we have nothing going on. So were going to go wander around Target, one of our favorite pastimes (you cant be too pick with three kids) I search for sales while the boys play in the toy aisles. Then we'll come home and watch a movie, I cant wait!
Look at that chubby thumb! I love it!
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