He's too big for this shirt but I really like it so I wanted to get one more wear and picture out of it!
We went to the Christmas parade tonight. Evan was thrilled too see so many "offisters" and "copsters". Seth liked all the bikes and whenever a white bike drove by he'd shout, "Uncle Jay!" even though uncle Jay was standing next to him. :) When Santa went by I noticed that the only people really freaking out about him were the parents, "Oh Timmy look its Santa!" Timmy was like, "Yup." I sometimes wonder if its really just the adults that get into the whole Santa things. My boys dont really know anything about Santa and I'm not sure if I want them to. They're both so excited about Christmas and I didnt have to say anything about Santa to make that happen. The whole Santa thing just seems lame to me, I dont know why... Although I do want to have them get their picture taken with Santa, I think every kid should have a picture of themselves as a toddler screaming in the arms of Santa, thats classic! :) We'll see what happens.
Kane was amazed by all the flashing lights.
A large man in a tiny car, too funny!
You really cant see it in this picture but Santa is sitting on top of the fire truck, parents everywhere were freaking out!
Afterwards we got some ice cream. Evan refused to look away from his ice cream for a picture so he's yelling "CHEESE" into his bowl.
I tried to get a cute picture with the giant, lit, tree in the background but Seth would have none of it. Evan's looking at him like, "Come on stop being so dramatic and lets get this over with."
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