-bottle warmer
-diaper genie: I keep a small garbage basket next to the pack and play.
-changing table: They're awkward to change on and most pack and plays come with one attached. To be honest once the baby is a couple months old I kept a basket full of diapers and wipes in the livingroom and changed on the floor.
-baby shoes (before they walk)
-diaper bag: My purse has always been big enough to put a few diapers, a change of clothes and a bottle in it. Also we always have a pack of wipes in each vehicle and extra diapers.
-regular high chair: booster seat-sterilizer: dishwasher does the trick!
-rattles: the boys never showed any interest.
-newborn sized shirts that arent onsies: the babies tummy is always exposed b/c they ride up! (such a pain)
-big bulky strollers, we used our Graco stroller maybe 5 times and I could have saved the money on a stroller and just used a sling. Cheaper, lighter, compact, umbrella strollers work so much better when the baby is a few months old.
-bedding sets: The quilt and the bumper pads are USELESS for infants! Cute sheets and recieving blankets work just fine for bedding!
-diaper stackers
-baby lotion: I was told in the hospital to never use lotion on a baby b/c it actually dries their skin out. Plus it covers up the natural baby smell which I love!
-shopping cart seat covers: I use a wipe to wipe down the handle, problem solved! :)
-burp clothes: Flannel blankets do the job, just buy a few extra so you're not doing laundry everyday.
-car seat head supporter
Items I cant live without:
-Infant gas relief drops
-baby swing
-bottle dryer and bottle brush
-flannel blankets
-pack and play with changing table
-car seat base (I suggest buying one for each car)
-car seat
-light weight stroller
-bouncy seat
-baby bathtub
Finally a few things that I wish I had tried but havent:
-Travel swing: As newborns my boys really relaxed in a swing and it would be nice to bring a swing over to other people's homes.
-My Brestfriend pillow: to help support the baby when he's eating
-Cloth diapers and all the accessories: Our neighbor and Jed's co-workers have bought us over 350 size 1 diapers so once we've gone through all those we'll start cloth diapering.
We went to Zoo Boo today! The boys had a blast dressing up in their costumes and collecting candy.
Buzz Lightyear!
Eeyore! I was going to buy a new costume for Seth this year but I put him in the Eeyore costume and he was too cute.
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