A new family milestone was achieved today, getting an object stuck in a two year old's nose. Kane went into the closet to eat his daily serving of cat food (How do I break him of this and still feed our cat? Oh, the great mysteries in life.) and decided that eating it was too boring so he jammed a piece up his nose. Did you know that cat food swells and quickly? Yeah. Thankfully Aunt Mimi or I should say,"nurse Mimi" was here to help and keep me calm. We tried to get him to blow it out without luck. After a while he snorted it back and ate it. Yum.
My sister in law, Missy, and her family left earlier this week for Papua New Guinea. They're in Europe right now visiting her husband's side of the family for the next few days. Then Australia and finally PNG for the next 4 years! Ahh! Its so exciting and sad at the same time! I cant believe the next time the cousins get together Evan will be 9! Unless of course we get the opportunity to visit which I'm really hoping and praying for!
Jed rearranged our living room furniture. At first I hated it because it isnt balanced in my opinion however its starting to grow on me. The wall with the big window only has a small chair under it now so it seems much more open in here. Christmas is coming and we always have to move things around to fit the tree in so I think I can live with it until then...
1 comment:
LOL!!! Mackenzie did that once with a raisin...well all except the eating it part. DJ had her at centra care and they were calling an ENT specialist when she sneezed it out. Seriously don't know what the obsession is :-)
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