We took the boys to the pumpkin patch today to play and take pictures. The pumpkins cost way more than the ones that you can get at the grocery store, plus they've been sitting out in the sun cooking for a couple weeks, so we were only going to buy one. As we were getting ready to pick out our pumpkin fire ants attacked. I have 10 bites on one foot! Jed only has a few bites but we were in so much pain that we just rounded up the boys and headed to the van. :( Oh well, we'll buy our pumpkins from Albertson's and save some money.

Seth wasnt sure what to think about the "bumpy" pumpkin.

Evan, chillin.

My boys!

Kane slept through everything.

Just as this picture was taken the ants started biting. OUCH!

Kane is four weeks old today! I cant believe its almost been a month, time is flying.
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