I've never seen an ultrasound this far along before! It was amazing. He has such chubby cheeks and pouty lips its so cute! The Tech took some measurements and according to those he's somewhere around 6lbs, already! Thats bigger than Evan (5lbs 12oz) when he was born! He only has to gain 3 more ounces to be bigger than Seth and he still has 4 more weeks to grow!
If I make it to October 11th or beyond he could very well be an 8lb baby or bigger! Although its a little intimidating thinking about trying to birth a baby that large, its harder to imagine another 2lbs of child inside of me. I'm already so uncomfortable and feel maxed out so... I just hope his lungs mature quickly and he's ready to be born sooner rather than later. I was 16 days early with Evan and 11 days early with Seth so that gives me some hope. We shall see, two of my friends have put in birthday guess' on Oct 4th and Oct 6th. If anyone else wants to take a stab, either comment here or email me and I will announce who was the closest after he's born.
Last night I dyed my hair, black. It was not completely intentional. Since having Evan I've discovered my hair is going grey. There are patches here and there which drives me nuts. So in the past I've tried to dye my hair to cover it up and I always try to go a bit darker than my natural hair color but for some reason it never turns out. I buy the darkest, brown colorant that is sold and some how my hair either comes out lighter or the exact same and lots of the greys are still grey! So we were at Target last night, I came acrossed a sale on some hair dye, I almost bought a dark brown again and then I found something else. A box that claimed that if I only left it in for a certain amount of time it wouldn't go completely black, just very dark brown. I decided to give it a shot, oh well, if it doesnt work and I look like a goth kid, it'll eventually grow out or I'll have it fixed. Well, I do in fact look like a goth kid, with my pale white skin and jet black, curly hair. Maybe I'll buy some black jeans and shirts and start wearing heavy black eyeliner, it could be a new look for me! lol
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