For the first time ever Evan and I went to the zoo just the two of us (my mom stayed home with Seth)! I thought I should try to do something special with each of the boys individually before Kane comes, I'll take Seth out either today or tomorrow. Evan and I had such a good time. I just kind of followed Evan wherever he wanted to go only making a few suggestions here and there. We stood and watched the animals for as long as he wanted and then moved on to the next one he wanted to see. We finally found the reptile house and spent about a half hour looking at all the exhibits (its not a big place so we looked at things again and again and again). After we had finished with the snakes I suggested we go look at the aligators and crocodiles but Evan had made up his mind that he was ready to go "swimming". We took the most direct route over to the splash zone. I sat in a lounge chair while he ran in and out of water fountains until he was too exhausted to go anymore. He came over and colapsed in the chair next to me so we headed home. Unfortunately I forgot an extra change of clothes (he wore his bathing suit to the zoo) so he rode home naked. He thought it was hilarious, so did I. :)

The snack shop had some cool toys to play with.

Evan loved the water!
Jed and I were at the store last night when my hip "gave out" several times. This has happened before (its pregnancy related) and as long as I adjust my posture it usual resolves itself but not yesterday. No matter what I did it continued to give out with almost every step. I ended up not being able to walk out to the van, Jed had to come pick me up. After resting for a few hours it was a little better although it still randomly gave out from time to time. I was hoping a good nights sleep would help but I woke up this morning with horrible hip and lower back pain. Its a constant ache that will not go away no matter what position I'm in. I took a hot shower this morning which helped a little but not much. My body is falling apart, this kid better come soon!
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