We keep hoping everyday though. Here's a quick list of stuff that's been going on with us lately,
-My mom moved to Florida last week. She's staying with us right now to help when the baby arrives and once everything is settled she'll start job/apartment hunting.
- After over a month of searching on Craigslist for a cheap freezer with no luck we had given up and were planning on going to Sam's on Saturday to buy a new one (at full price, yuck). On Saturday morning Jed checked Craigslist one more time and found a 1 year old freezer for $60 (less than half the regular price) in perfect condition!
-On two different nights last week I was woken up by painful contractions. Both times the contractions would die down after about 2 hours, very disappointing!
-My mom and I went to Orlando on Sunday and had brunch with my sister at a trendy restaurant downtown. The food was awesome, I had a yummy Belgian waffle with fresh fruit!
-I've been eating peanut butter and honey sandwiches almost everyday which is a new craving for me.
-I've discovered a couple of new blogs that I've been enjoying when I cant sleep at night.
- There are baby frogs everywhere! Apparently all the rain we've had recently has been optimal weather for frog reproduction. Today I was outside and noticed our garage door was covered in lots of tiny frogs. The boys are thrilled!
-Seth is fully potty trained on the regular potty in the bathroom. We can now officially put the little potty away until its Kane's turn!
-Did you know that there are tons of options for cloth diapering? Prefolds, Pocket, All in One, One size fits all, ect. Its been overwhelming trying to figure out what kind of cloth diapering I wanted to do! I've spent countless hours researching, how each kind works, how much it costs, how convenient it is and so on. I found a website with the best deal on the kind of diapers I've decided to use and now I just have to place my order. I think I'll finally do that tomorrow although I'm contemplating waiting until after I have Kane so I will have a better idea how big he is and if I should just skip the newborn size. We'll see.
-On Friday Jed left work a little early (he went in early so he left early, his work isn't very strict about hours as long as you get in 40) which sparked the rumor that I had gone into labor and had the baby. It spread all over the company, all the way over to the branch in Europe! When Jed showed up to work yesterday his boss asked him what the heck he was doing there! Jed had to spend most of the morning sorting out the rumor and reassuring his coworkers that I hadn't had the baby yet.
- I bought a non-maternity shirt at Target on Saturday! It was on sale for $4 and it was so cute that I couldn't pass it up. I'm so excited to start wearing regular clothes again.
- Evan's decided recently that he hates bedtime, not that he's ever liked bedtime but now he actually puts up a fight. We announce that its bedtime and he protest, "I don't want to go to bed." When we tell him he doesn't have a choice in the matter he then goes to excuses and its so funny (at least to us)! He slumps over and says while pouting, "Mommy, I'm too tired to walk to my room, I cant go to bed." It makes me chuckle every single time. I wonder when he'll figure out that he's not making a very good case to stay up any later!?!
Well, I'm going to go try to get some sleep since I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open now. Maybe my next post will be about the newest member of our family!