Speaking (or I guess "writing" if you want to get technical) of grandparents, we have a framed photo sitting on an end table of Jed's parents and the other day I walked into the livingroom to find Seth holding it and softly speaking to it. I couldnt make out what he was saying before he noticed I was in the room, he looked at me like a deer in headlights b/c he knows he's not supposed to touch the pictures on the tables. He was being so cute that I didnt have it in me to discipline him so I sat down on the couch next to where he was standing and said, "Who is that?" pointing to the picture. He points to each of their faces saying there names and then says, "They LOVE MEEEEEE!" He then flops the picture back down on the table and runs off. Now Jed and I find him almost daily cuddling with and talking to his Papa and Nana.
Sunday my sister watch the boys for the afternoon so Jed and I could get away. We dropped the boys off at her apartment downtown and then went to Ikea. It was swamped with people but being there without kids made it almost seem like we had the place to ourselves, almost. :) We leisurely strolled along looking at each of the displays while sipping a diet soda. Then we headed to the outlet mall which was also swamped with tourists and back to school shoppers. It was crazy but we enjoyed walking around browsing kids and home goods stores. After that we headed to Carrabbas for dinner, so yummy! It was such a fun day for us and the boys had a blast with Tracy. She took them to her pool, the park and then out for ice cream, they have the best aunt!
Monday I spent the day trying to get thing ready for tropical storm Fay. I baked, did laundry and anything else I could think of doing in case we lost power. When Jed got home he cleared up space in our garage to pull in our van while I cleaned up the backyard bringing in pool toys and moving stuff around that might get blown over. On Tuesday morning Jed got the call from work that he had the day off b/c of the T.S. We waited all morning for something to happen but all we got were some gray clouds, no wind and no rain. The weather was amazing though, it was so cool it felt like a fall day. Yesterday was the same way only Jed had to go to work. Finally last night it started raining and it hasn't stopped since. Our pool overflowed last night and started flooding our backyard so in the middle of the night Jed had to go out to drain it. That's about the extent of our T.S. issues so far. Our neighbor across the street has his windows boarded up which is kind of funny but he's retired and has plenty of time to do stuff like that. :)
Random Pics
The baby sling is ready! Thanks Jessica for the idea and directions!
Oh goodness, what is he going to do with that?
Yup, its time for Seth to get a haircut! Seth, "Why are you letting Evan do this to me?" Don't worry, Seth will have his chance at revenge when its time for Evan's next cut. :)
Ok, belly shot! I really cant believe I'm only going to get bigger over the next few weeks!&
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