Last week we got a postcard in the mail from New Tribes Mission announcing a display of the new Kodiak plane that they plan to purchase for some of their foreign fields. Both Jed and I have ridden in several of New Tribes current planes and we (ok mostly just Jed) were curious to see how the new planes would compare. It also mentioned that they would be offering rides for $35 per person, I immediately told Jed he had to take Evan. So Jed called and reserved two spots on this mornings flight. Seth and I tagged along to take pictures and I was surprised (I dont know why this surprises me anymore) by how many people I ran into that I knew. Even more interesting were all the people that had recognized our last name when we signed up and came up to ask us how we were related to Jed's parents, his brother or his sister. Well of course Jed and Evan had a great flight and Jed said he was very impressed with the new plane. Since we've been home Evan continues to remind me that he went on a plane ride and that he was scared but it was ok b/c he was in the sky with the birds. :)

Everyone is fascinated by the plane but my boys found a beetle...

At least Seth and I got to take a picture by it. :)

Evan is ready to go!

My extremely happy husband.

My extremely happy son.
Here's more info on why NTM is purchasing these new planes,
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