Gotcha! Hahahaha!
Yesterday on our way to church we passed a house in our neighborhood that was having a garage sale and sitting in their driveway was the cute blue puppy. I yelled to Jed, "They have BLUE!" He had no idea what I was talking about so he kept driving. By the time I had explained to him we were way passed the house so we decided that if Blue was still there when we were on our way home we would stop and pick her up. I was convinced that she'd be gone but I was pleasantly surprised 2 hours later when she was still sitting there, as if she was waiting for us. For fifty cents she was ours and let me tell you the boys were thrilled, they took turns holding her on the way home (a whole 1/2 mile) and were desperate to play with her once we were there however it was nap time and they had to hand Blue over. Blue went straight into the washer and was forgotten during the rest of our busy day until I went to unload the dryer this morning. Seth was down for his morning nap so I decided to make it a game for Evan and I hid Blue and gave him clues to find her. He finally discovered Blue in her hiding spot and burst out laughing, he laughed so hard that he actually fell over! Needless to say he hasnt put Blue down since except to hide her again when Seth woke up from his nap. Seth's hunt for Blue was quite a bit shorter than Evan's as Evan grabbed Seth by the hand and led him directly to the hiding spot and pointed her out. Seth was still very very excited and gave Blue a big hug and kiss. So thats the fun story of how we aquired our new dog. :) I hope that someday my boys will read this blog and enjoy some of the stories about themselves!
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