- I have been having some cravings such as, Hot Tamales. They are all I can think about after lunch. Its a huge struggle for me because if there are any in the house I will eat them all, literally all of them. I will make myself sick eating them and its as if I have no control! If they are not in the house then I cant stop thinking about them. Its so annoying! Also my ice craving is back. Thank goodness though its not as bad this time as before. With my previous pregnancies I would crave ice everyday and I could eat an entire Big Gulp cup from the gas station in a sitting. Now my cravings are sporadic and it only takes a few cubes to satisfy me. Hopefully it doesnt progress the further along I get!
- A quick report on my gardening "experiment". About 3 weeks ago we noticed the fruit on our tomato plant was growing but nothing on our watermelon plant. Jed and I were getting quite discouraged about the watermelon b/c the plant itself was/is taking over our side yard (its like 6 or 7 feet long at this point) but no fruit. We checked it every single day for a week straight but had kind of given up until last night. I went out and was shocked when I saw a softball sized melon. Woohoo! I cant wait to try growing a bunch of other fruits and veggies this fall ( apparently a much better season to garden here in Florida). I think I could possibly become a gardening fanatic if I had more time. lol
-We bought a new camera. I dont know anything about cameras or camera equipment but its a Nikon and its a lot nicer than my little point and shoot Sony. Both Jed and I like to take pictures and we really cherish the pics of our boys so it just makes sense to have a nice camera. I think for the first time we've bought a new "toy" that I'm really excited to "play with" and learn about! :)
My tomato plant. I cant wait for the tomatoes to ripen! Yum!
Such a tiny watermelon for such a giant plant.
My little runner! I took this pic with our new camera.
Silly faces with Evan. Another picture from our new camera.
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