Over the weekend we spent a lot of time in our pool. As we spend more time in the water the boys become more and more brave. At the beginning of the summer Seth would barely dangle his feet in the water and Evan wouldnt swim away from the stairs. However now Seth will go onto the second step and walk around, splashing and jumping while Evan well, you can watch the video and see for yourself.
Its pretty funny to watch him belly flop into the water, if only he knew it hurt a lot less going in feet first but there's no reasoning with a three year old! :)
In pregnancy news, for the last two weeks whenever I stand for any period of time a part of my right thigh goes completely numb. Apparently it has something to do with my sciatic nerve, thankfully its not too bad. I hope it doesnt get worse as the baby and I get bigger. He is getting a lot stronger these days, I dont know exactly what he's doing in there but when he really gets going my entire belly starts wiggling. Its fun to watch!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
We Got a New Doggie

Gotcha! Hahahaha!
Yesterday on our way to church we passed a house in our neighborhood that was having a garage sale and sitting in their driveway was the cute blue puppy. I yelled to Jed, "They have BLUE!" He had no idea what I was talking about so he kept driving. By the time I had explained to him we were way passed the house so we decided that if Blue was still there when we were on our way home we would stop and pick her up. I was convinced that she'd be gone but I was pleasantly surprised 2 hours later when she was still sitting there, as if she was waiting for us. For fifty cents she was ours and let me tell you the boys were thrilled, they took turns holding her on the way home (a whole 1/2 mile) and were desperate to play with her once we were there however it was nap time and they had to hand Blue over. Blue went straight into the washer and was forgotten during the rest of our busy day until I went to unload the dryer this morning. Seth was down for his morning nap so I decided to make it a game for Evan and I hid Blue and gave him clues to find her. He finally discovered Blue in her hiding spot and burst out laughing, he laughed so hard that he actually fell over! Needless to say he hasnt put Blue down since except to hide her again when Seth woke up from his nap. Seth's hunt for Blue was quite a bit shorter than Evan's as Evan grabbed Seth by the hand and led him directly to the hiding spot and pointed her out. Seth was still very very excited and gave Blue a big hug and kiss. So thats the fun story of how we aquired our new dog. :) I hope that someday my boys will read this blog and enjoy some of the stories about themselves!
Gotcha! Hahahaha!
Yesterday on our way to church we passed a house in our neighborhood that was having a garage sale and sitting in their driveway was the cute blue puppy. I yelled to Jed, "They have BLUE!" He had no idea what I was talking about so he kept driving. By the time I had explained to him we were way passed the house so we decided that if Blue was still there when we were on our way home we would stop and pick her up. I was convinced that she'd be gone but I was pleasantly surprised 2 hours later when she was still sitting there, as if she was waiting for us. For fifty cents she was ours and let me tell you the boys were thrilled, they took turns holding her on the way home (a whole 1/2 mile) and were desperate to play with her once we were there however it was nap time and they had to hand Blue over. Blue went straight into the washer and was forgotten during the rest of our busy day until I went to unload the dryer this morning. Seth was down for his morning nap so I decided to make it a game for Evan and I hid Blue and gave him clues to find her. He finally discovered Blue in her hiding spot and burst out laughing, he laughed so hard that he actually fell over! Needless to say he hasnt put Blue down since except to hide her again when Seth woke up from his nap. Seth's hunt for Blue was quite a bit shorter than Evan's as Evan grabbed Seth by the hand and led him directly to the hiding spot and pointed her out. Seth was still very very excited and gave Blue a big hug and kiss. So thats the fun story of how we aquired our new dog. :) I hope that someday my boys will read this blog and enjoy some of the stories about themselves!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Father's Day
For Father's day the boys and I decided to take Jed to a hotel in Daytona Beach (it was kind of a Homer Simpson gift on the boys part). :) We checked into our hotel Saturday afternoon, the boys were so anxious to get to the beach but first we had to bring our stuff up to our room. They were both amazed by the room and their favorite part was their big bed. In fact if we weren't at the beach or the pool Evan insisted on being in "his bed". We took daddy out to eat that night at Olive Garden and a bit after dinner Jed realized he was coming down with a cold. His throat was scratch, his nose was plugged and he started to feel really drained, poor daddy! We went to bed that night (Evan was so excited) and hoped that Jed would wake up feeling better, no luck. :( He was a trooper though and still got up and took the boys to the beach and pool. We had a lot of fun building sand forts and splashing around in the waves. We checked out that afternoon and headed home so Jed and the boys could take naps. Unfortunately Jed is still not feeling well, he came home early from work yesterday and after some complaining about being cold I took his temp. and he had a fever. How does someone get the flu in June? He woke up this morning feeling a little better so he's at work now but he's still tired. Hopefully he gets better soon and neither the boys or I get it! On a side note, I think we upset our cat Church by leaving him this weekend b/c when we got home we discovered he had been peeing in our bathtub rather than the litter. DISGUSTING! I had to bleach the entire tub and for peace of mind I did the floors too, only to wake up this morning and find that he had done it again! I know he's trying to make some kind of point b/c he's only peeing in the tub and still pooping in his litter box. Well today he's spending some quality time outside so hopefully he gets my point and realizes that peeing in the tub or anywhere else in the house is unacceptable! As Seth would say, "Silly Churchy"!

Evan in his bed!

Seth kept yelling, "Bubble House"! I dont know what that means exactly but they loved the bathroom.

Playing in the waves, thats our hotel in the background there, the yellow one.

The best dad in the world! We love him!

Our family.

Hi Sethy!

Everyone say, "Happy Father's Day!"
The kiddy pool.

Evan was so happy.

The boys had so much fun going from the kiddy pool to the water fountains.

Mommy had fun in the fountain as well. :)
Evan in his bed!
Seth kept yelling, "Bubble House"! I dont know what that means exactly but they loved the bathroom.
Playing in the waves, thats our hotel in the background there, the yellow one.
The best dad in the world! We love him!
Our family.
Hi Sethy!
Everyone say, "Happy Father's Day!"
The kiddy pool.
Evan was so happy.
The boys had so much fun going from the kiddy pool to the water fountains.
Mommy had fun in the fountain as well. :)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
- Seth has been doing some pretty funny things. One thing I have to mention is his running, have you ever seen that episode of Friends where Phoebe and Rachel go jogging? Well, Seth runs just like Phoebe in that episode, its hilarious! Its as if his entire body is free to move however it wants just so long as its going forward, more often than not he ends up in a pile on the ground. Oh how I wish I had video to share with you all! :) He seems to really enjoy running too, he and Evan will start chasing each other around the house and before I know it Evan's off playing with cars and Seth is still doing laps all by himself. He loves it when I cheer him on so I've created a song that our whole family sings for him when he's running. :) Once I counted how many laps he had done, (we have a loop in our house livingroom, kitchen, hallway, entryway, back to the livingroom) up to 35 before getting distracted!
- I have been having some cravings such as, Hot Tamales. They are all I can think about after lunch. Its a huge struggle for me because if there are any in the house I will eat them all, literally all of them. I will make myself sick eating them and its as if I have no control! If they are not in the house then I cant stop thinking about them. Its so annoying! Also my ice craving is back. Thank goodness though its not as bad this time as before. With my previous pregnancies I would crave ice everyday and I could eat an entire Big Gulp cup from the gas station in a sitting. Now my cravings are sporadic and it only takes a few cubes to satisfy me. Hopefully it doesnt progress the further along I get!
- A quick report on my gardening "experiment". About 3 weeks ago we noticed the fruit on our tomato plant was growing but nothing on our watermelon plant. Jed and I were getting quite discouraged about the watermelon b/c the plant itself was/is taking over our side yard (its like 6 or 7 feet long at this point) but no fruit. We checked it every single day for a week straight but had kind of given up until last night. I went out and was shocked when I saw a softball sized melon. Woohoo! I cant wait to try growing a bunch of other fruits and veggies this fall ( apparently a much better season to garden here in Florida). I think I could possibly become a gardening fanatic if I had more time. lol
-We bought a new camera. I dont know anything about cameras or camera equipment but its a Nikon and its a lot nicer than my little point and shoot Sony. Both Jed and I like to take pictures and we really cherish the pics of our boys so it just makes sense to have a nice camera. I think for the first time we've bought a new "toy" that I'm really excited to "play with" and learn about! :)

My tomato plant. I cant wait for the tomatoes to ripen! Yum!

Such a tiny watermelon for such a giant plant.

My little runner! I took this pic with our new camera.

Silly faces with Evan. Another picture from our new camera.
- I have been having some cravings such as, Hot Tamales. They are all I can think about after lunch. Its a huge struggle for me because if there are any in the house I will eat them all, literally all of them. I will make myself sick eating them and its as if I have no control! If they are not in the house then I cant stop thinking about them. Its so annoying! Also my ice craving is back. Thank goodness though its not as bad this time as before. With my previous pregnancies I would crave ice everyday and I could eat an entire Big Gulp cup from the gas station in a sitting. Now my cravings are sporadic and it only takes a few cubes to satisfy me. Hopefully it doesnt progress the further along I get!
- A quick report on my gardening "experiment". About 3 weeks ago we noticed the fruit on our tomato plant was growing but nothing on our watermelon plant. Jed and I were getting quite discouraged about the watermelon b/c the plant itself was/is taking over our side yard (its like 6 or 7 feet long at this point) but no fruit. We checked it every single day for a week straight but had kind of given up until last night. I went out and was shocked when I saw a softball sized melon. Woohoo! I cant wait to try growing a bunch of other fruits and veggies this fall ( apparently a much better season to garden here in Florida). I think I could possibly become a gardening fanatic if I had more time. lol
-We bought a new camera. I dont know anything about cameras or camera equipment but its a Nikon and its a lot nicer than my little point and shoot Sony. Both Jed and I like to take pictures and we really cherish the pics of our boys so it just makes sense to have a nice camera. I think for the first time we've bought a new "toy" that I'm really excited to "play with" and learn about! :)
My tomato plant. I cant wait for the tomatoes to ripen! Yum!
Such a tiny watermelon for such a giant plant.
My little runner! I took this pic with our new camera.
Silly faces with Evan. Another picture from our new camera.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Beach, Baptism and BBQ
Thats what we did this weekend plus we got some work done around our house and in the evenings Jed went over to Jay's to help him frame in his new office in his garage. It was a very busy weekend and flew by faster than usual. :( Oh well we had lots of fun!

Saturday morning was spent playing in the waves and the sand.

At our church's baptism and bbq they had the usual bounce houses but this time they also had a waterslide. Evan was so excited when he heard about the slide, he talked about it all Sunday morning however once we got to church and he saw it, he became quite apprehensive.

It took a lot of coaxing to get Evan to the top.

After 10 or 15 minutes of sitting at the top freaking out he finally came down. You cant see his face very well in this pic but its a look of terror. He avoided the slide for the rest of the afternoon.
Saturday morning was spent playing in the waves and the sand.
At our church's baptism and bbq they had the usual bounce houses but this time they also had a waterslide. Evan was so excited when he heard about the slide, he talked about it all Sunday morning however once we got to church and he saw it, he became quite apprehensive.
It took a lot of coaxing to get Evan to the top.
After 10 or 15 minutes of sitting at the top freaking out he finally came down. You cant see his face very well in this pic but its a look of terror. He avoided the slide for the rest of the afternoon.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Date Nights
Well, last week we got Joy to babysit so we headed over to IKEA to check it out and afterward had dinner at the Ale House. It was so relaxing. Then last night I decided to take Seth out on his first date with mommy! We went to a book store and Seth was so excited about all the different books he couldnt sit still long enough to actually read a book. Then we went to the Super Target shopping complex and walked from store to store. Seth enjoyes exploring and simply asking what everything is, over and over and over again. We finished up our night by getting ice cream, he picked out "pink" ice cream which happened to be strawberry and he ate every last bite plus about half of my chocolate ice cream.

You would think that this is how our evening ended but its actually how it started. He didnt get a second nap so he was tired and riding in the car is guaranteed to knock him out.

We made a quick stop at Old Navy. Seth decided to try on a hat.

Very excited about his ice cream.

You would think that this is how our evening ended but its actually how it started. He didnt get a second nap so he was tired and riding in the car is guaranteed to knock him out.
We made a quick stop at Old Navy. Seth decided to try on a hat.
Very excited about his ice cream.
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