Each one of us got a pumpkin this year! Jed picked out a scary face for his pumpkin and I picked out an owl. We let the three big boys paint their own little pumpkins with glow in the dark paint. I did the two youngest's pumpkins for them.
(I probably should have dusted this table before taking pictures on it but I haven't dusted much of anything in a few weeks. Oh well.)
I bought the little pumpkins a week before Halloween.

Kane thinks they're the cutest little pumpkins ever so of course he has been carrying them around and snuggle with them all week long. My kids have never taken a liking to stuffed animals, apparently, mini pumpkins were what they were holding out for. Who knew?
Kane thinks they're the cutest little pumpkins ever so of course he has been carrying them around and snuggle with them all week long. My kids have never taken a liking to stuffed animals, apparently, mini pumpkins were what they were holding out for. Who knew?
Anyway, this weekend, once I was able to pry them from Kane's death grip of love, we painted them. Evan was pretty intentional in not mixing his colors together as he painted (his is at the bottom of the second picture), his brothers weren't so careful though. Black took over pretty much everything, oh well, its their masterpieces right?!
Oh, and if you can count or do simple math you may have figured out the little announcement made in this post. :)
AH!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I DID read this thinking "wait...the three oldest, plus the two youngest.....wait-how many kids does Laine have again???" Yay!! When are you due???
Thanks Katie! Hahaha, I was trying to be subtle about it but not so subtle that you thought I either couldn't add or had forgotten how many kids I had! :) I'm due May 15th. We're very excited!
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