At the last moment we planned a camping trip for mother's day weekend. Usually its too hot for camping this time of year but a "cold front" was moving through with 60s at night and 80s during the day! We decided to go back to Tomoka state park. Two years ago we stayed here and really enjoyed it. The park itself isn't much to write home about but its surrounded by other little parks (that don't have campgrounds) that are beautiful and its very close to the beach!
We had a great time, visiting Washington Oaks state park, getting a bite to eat in downtown St. Augustine and chilling at the campground letting the boys play in the dirt. Just as I was getting ready to make dinner on Saturday (shepherd's pie over the campfire, yum!) Jed stepped out of our camper and his knee gave way. This is the second weekend in a row, poor guy!
Considering, he couldn't get in or out of the camper without excruciating pain nor could he walk without the assistance of a makeshift cane (see picture below) we decided to pack up and head home early.
I think the most frustrating part is that we have to wait until late fall when its cool enough to camp again! Boo!

Oh and I forgot to mention that one of our tires blew again! Thankfully it was on the way there when Jed still had full use of his knee!

Hanging out at Washington Oaks watching yachts and sailboats glide by on the intercoastal. This is out of focus but I'm using it because it might be the only picture I have taken or will ever take of all of them looking at the camera. It needed to be documented.

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