First things first,
- Evan's school is raising money for missionary, Dale Shaylor, to have a life saving surgery. He needs $425,000 for a liver transplant. Recently they found a hospital that would put him on a donor list for half of that where as other hospitals require the whole amount. The only catch is that it needs to be raised by June 1st and of course the whole amount still has to be raised before they would do the surgery. Amazingly God has already provided $174,000! Find out more here!
Ok onto the more mundane... :)

-Evan has his first loose tooth! His permanent tooth is coming in behind it. I can already see our orthodontist bills piling up! :)

-We listed our first camper on craigslist. We planned on keeping it for awhile to let friends borrow so they could camp w/ us but we have some hefty medical bills rolling in from Kane's stay in the PICU. We're more than happy to pay for a healthy little boy though! Here's hoping it sells soon!
- Speaking of Kane, he got his little thumb caught in a door. I was afraid that we'd be making another trip to the ER but somehow he managed to avoid serious injury, YAY!
-Sethy took his Kindergarten evaluation last week. We're waiting on the results. Being a boy and one of the youngest in his class we really have to weigh carefully whether or not to send him to school this coming fall or wait a year. Decisions, decisions!

-We redid our landscaping out front (very simple and low maintenance) and I started my garden a couple weeks ago! Corn, Tomatoes, Peppers, Cucumbers, Zucchini, Onions, Chives, Thyme and Basil are all growing away! I've already used some of the basil and thyme. YUM!
Our beautiful Plumeria is re-emerging. By the end of summer it will be taller than me!
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