Our Labor Day weekend came to a screeching halt when Kane developed pink eye Saturday night/Sunday morning. Well, at least we though he had pink eye, turns out its an ear infection thats backing up into his eyes. Still we didnt want to take any chances or scare anyone so we stayed home.
During nap time yesterday I decided to take Ford out for what I thought would be a really cute and fun photo shoot, Ford wearing a cloth diaper while laying in a basket of cloth diapers (they were clean, I promise). I was going to do it in the playroom next to windows for good lighting but outside it was overcast and the cloud cover was thick so I thought I'd try the backyard. I took everything out there, set up and then went in for Ford and the camera. As I walked outside the sun poked through the clouds and harshly beat down on what was going to be my cute little scene. Since there were clouds everywhere except the one little hole I decided to wait for the sun to disappear again. I waited, and waited and waited. The clouds that were so thick only moments ago were evaporating. As a last ditch effort I held an umbrella over Ford for a few shots.

I finally gave up and brought everything back inside. Since it was very bright outside I decided to try using the window. I kid you not, as I was getting things set up clouds started covering the sun again and my light started to disappear. I gave up on staging my photo threw everything into the basket, put Ford on top and tried to get one decent shot.
Maybe another day.
Even though he's not too happy with y you, those photos still look cool!!
Thanks Chaeli!
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