You know the kind of mom who loses it and screams at her kids in public? I've always disliked those moms. Dont they know that they sound like psychos and that they're seriously over reacting? Dont they know they're giving all us moms a bad name?!
Since I've encountered a lot of those moms at amusement parks I've often wondered if those moms are drawn to them for some weird reason. That is until I discovered that in fact amusement parks create those, poor, poor, moms, or at least thats what I'm telling myself now. Everyone is hot, tired, hungry and overstimulated. Of course I'm going to overreact, of course my four year old is going to do something insane!

Hmm, too many protective barriers obstructing my view, what should I do?"

"Oh I know I'll climb over them! Yes and give my mother a heart attack!"
didnt actually panic until he was lifting himself up to the next wrung, at that point I let go of my camera and was the screaming crazy mom. Why?

Because he was teetering over 80
bajillion of these guys!
Ok so maybe it was only 12 but still, scared. me. to. death.
align="center">Ironically enough a few days later I was encouraging him to hold one of these. Poor kid kept looking at me wondering when I was going to lose it again.