Warning: Not for the faint of heart or the weak of stomach! :)I put Ford to bed last night at 10:30 and he
didn't wake up again until 5:30 this morning! It was nice to have an entire night's sleep but as many nursing mom's know there was a price to pay for that luxury! Ouch! It was worth it though! :)
As I got Ford back to sleep around 6am Evan came stumbling into my room, doubled over holding his stomach. "Mom, my tummy hurts!" I led him right to the bathroom where he proceed to vomit. Shoot, I thought we had put this whole stomach bug behind us! Yesterday everyone was happy and healthy, not so much today. Evan has been laying on the floor in the
living room, unable to finish the piece of toast I gave him.
Seth woke up about a half hour after Evan and has seemed fine but recently complained of stomach pains. I think he might be feigning but I'm not taking any chances of having to clean up vomit off the furniture so he's joining his brother on the floor on a towel.
Up next was Kane. I went to get him from his room and the scent of poo was wafting but I
didn't think much of it b/c he's a pretty regular kid and mornings are his time. Unfortunately I
didn't get to him soon enough, he had diarrhea and was using it to decorate himself and his bed. Unbelievable! This is the second time this week! Why do kids like to play with their own feces?
My conclusions after this morning:
1. I need to buy full body
pjs for Kane with zero
accessibility to his diaper.
2. I need to make it a priority to teach all my kids as early as possible to puke in the toilet!
3. I need a vacation, sans kids, on a beach somewhere with a nice icy adult beverage. I'm pencilling it in for 2028. :)