-I had been having serious braxton hicks contractions for over a week and had already made one trip to the hospital in false labor. After that I vowed not to go to the hospital unless my water broke.
-I had to get our house ready for having small group over for dinner and study.
-I was exhausted from not sleeping at night.
-A terrible cold/sinus infection was kicking my butt.
-I desperately wished to go into labor but at the same time dreaded the pain that would go along with that.
-At 4pm I was resting on the couch and watching Oprah (trying to numb my brain) when contractions started. They were 5 minutes apart but not very strong, (my first trip to the hospital they were 2 minutes apart and stronger) so I decided to ignore them.
-Jed got home from work at 5:30 and I mentioned my contractions to him. We continued to get ready to have people over.
-At 7pm our small group arrives. I'm still stubbornly ignoring my contractions even though they are coming faster (4 minutes apart) and slightly stronger (about the same as the night I went to the hospital).
-At 7:30 we were eating dinner and chatting when Jed asked me a question and at the same time a contraction came on, I had to pause to focus through the contraction before I could answer him. When I looked at him he looked freaked out and immediately told everyone to go home and that we were headed to the hospital. I tried to argue with him but he insisted and I finally gave in.
-At 7:45 everyone had left, my sister was at our house to watch Evan and we were breaking a lot of traffic laws on our way to the hospital. The pain with each contraction was stronger but still managable, I breathed and focused through each one.
-We made it to the hospital around 8pm and were immediately rushed up to the maternity floor, they put me in a waiting room where they checked me and I was dialated to 6. The nurses freaked out, ran me over to a delivery room and assigned two nurses to me to get me all prepped. One of the nurses was older and was really shakey and wouldnt you know it they gave her the job of putting the IV in me! It took her like 4 tries to get it in and each one was really painful b/c of all the shaking once the needle was in my arm.
-During my labor with Evan I was induced and the labor came on hard and fast, it felt like I had a charley horse all the way acrossed my belly and through my back. Even though that hadnt happened yet with this labor I was still terrified of enduring it for any length of time so I begged for an epidural. Around 9-9:30pm the anesthesiologist arrived and gave me my epidural. I quickly realized that there were parts of my body that werent actually numb but the nurses didnt listen to me, they told me it was good that it didnt take away all my pain b/c that would help during the pushing stage. Once I realized they werent going to help me out I just endured the weird feeling of having part of my belly numb and part in pain.
-My water never breaks on its own, at around 11pm my midwife finally showed up to find that I was dialated to 8 and decided to break my water for me. Thank goodness I didnt wait at home for my water to break!
-11:25 I was dialated to 10 and felt the urge to push. Pushing was so much easier than last time b/c I wasnt doped up on Stadol (I didnt feel tired and weak) but way more painful b/c the epidural wasnt working.
-11:45 Seth was born! Again b/c I wasnt all strung out on drugs that they had given me I was really able to enjoy this time. It was so disappointing with Evan b/c I could barely keep my eyes open. This time I was on a buzz from all the endorphin and was able to hold and cuddle Seth for a really long time.
I remember being in awe of how chubby his cheeks were and how different that was from his brother b/c at 6lbs 3oz he was a whopping 6oz bigger than Evan at birth. His eyes were really light blue and he had a darker skin tone than his brother. I thought that I should be comparing him so much to his brother but I couldnt help it I was just marveling that I could have two kids that could be so very different yet similiar. As Seth has grown up I've noticed that he is impulsive, affectionate, stubborn, charismatic and kind. He's such a wonderful part of our family and I'm so thankful that God blessed us with him!
A few hours old!
Six Months Old
1st Birthday
Second Birthday
This past weekend.
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