Kane's diapers arrived on Monday. Too cute!
So here are a few things going on around here, Tracy left for Australia on Monday. She's in Sydney as I type, I'm so jealous! She'll be there for the next 5 weeks or possibly longer if she can get a job and a work visa. I told her to find a rich Aussie to marry who has a big house and can fly our family of five out to visit. A sister can hope right?! :)
Jed bought an Iphone this weekend. It was kind of his birthday present. You see I dont know much about technology and my husband likes to shop so I gave him free reign to go out, find the best deal and buy it. He was THRILLED! I think I might be able to guess what I'm getting for my birthday...
Kane has had a rough week. He hasnt been feeling good and he hasnt been sleeping which then translates into a rough week for Jed and I. So we're all a a bit tired.
I've been reading three very good books that I highly recommend, Vintage Church by Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears, Prodigal God by Timothy Keller and Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp. So far all three are excellent! We're going camping this weekend so I'm looking forward to the chance to focus on and finish at least one of them.
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