Friday the boys and I made muffins together, it was our first baking experience where they got to really help. I measured out the ingredients and they dumped it in. It was a lot of fun and the muffins were yummy. Then we went outside and picked one of our watermelons from the "garden". We had it for dessert that night.
Saturday I was very tired. Jed even let me sleep in until 9am but I was ready for a nap by 10am. Jed had bought a new computer armoire off of craigslist the other day and spent most of the morning putting it together. After that was done we ventured out to a children's consignment shop. Evan has grown some in the last two months and no longer fits in 2T shirts (he still wears 18 mos shorts b/c he's so stinking skinny!) so we've been on the hunt recently to expand his 3T/4T options. After our shopping expedition I was even more exhausted so I did take a nap. I woke up just in time to get ready to go out to a birthday party for a friend.
Sunday I again slept in but I felt a lot better when I woke up. I got a ton done around the house, I finished sewing curtains for our bedroom, I made more muffins (at Jed's request), I baked a pie and I cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. We went for a drive in the afternoon to a little area of town thats not quite so developed and wished we could buy a house with some land there. Our dream would be to have a house on a few acres so we could have some animals, I could have a big garden, the boys would have room to ride four wheelers and/or dirt bikes (when they're older) and store our future camper and Jed's future boat. Apparently we have a lot of "stuff" to accumulate. :) Its just one of our many "dreams", like moving to Australia and living as beach bums.
Monday Jed took the day off of work and we went to the zoo. We bought the year membership b/c we figure it'll give us something to do this winter when we have a newborn. They put in a water park area this past year so after we had looked at all the animals and were dying from heat stroke (ok I'm exaggerating a little) we took the boys to splash around. They had a blast and the only reason we left was b/c Jed and I could no longer take the heat while sitting and watching the boys. Today I'm struggling to get back to our regular schedule for some reason. The house is trashed again and its really bumming me out. I feel like no matter how much I clean with in seconds there's a new mess! GRRR! I should be used to it by now.... :)
Watermelon anyone?!
I dont know why he was giving it kisses, maybe he thought it would turn into a beautiful princess. :)
Testing the water...
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