Yesterday Evan found a toad in our pool so I got out a present that he had recieved from nana and papa a few months ago, a bug collector kit. It came with a net and a jar with breathing holes so I told Evan to grab the net and fish the little toad out. It took a little while (a lot longer than if I had as usual grabbed the pool skimmer and tossed him out) but Evan had a blast. He finally caught his toad (or as he calls him Mr. Frog) and we put him in the bug jar so we could watch him. A magnifying glass also came with the kit which Evan used to look at anything and everything like he was Sherlock Holmes. Finally after daddy got home from work Evan was able to share his toad rescuing story with him and then we let Mr. Frog go. He hopped away and Evan was fine until this morning now all he wants to do is go outside to look for Mr. Frog.

Evan caught him!

Evan and his new friend.

Seth caught something too! :)
In other news, last night I told Jed that the baby was pretty active so he put his head on my belly to see if he could hear him/her (he was being silly). Our fiesty little child must not have liked having daddy pressing on its little home b/c we were both surprised by a giant kick! Usually its much later on in the pregnancy that people other than me can feel the baby kicking. Jed left his head on my belly for a few more minutes and the baby kicked him 5 more times before giving up and probably going back to sleep. I enjoy teasing Jed that our baby kicked him in the face. :)
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