Well, it was two days ago but I havent had time to update. We had a packed day, we went to breakfast at the Old Spanish Sugar Mill where you sit around a griddle and make your own pancakes, it was a lot of fun and very yummy. Afterwards Jed and I made a trip to the eye doctor, Jed was cutting a steal door in our garage and a fleck of metal got embedded in his eye. Fortunately the doc was able to get it out easily and recovery was simply putting eye drops in his eyes for a day. Then I went shopping for a couple hours with Jed's mom at one of her favorite places here in Florida, Old Time Pottery. We rushed home to start work on dinner and I still had to wrap Seth's presents. The party was a lot of fun and Seth got a lot of great things, his favorite were the bubbles from his aunt Tracy. However I think that the pool nana and papa got him will rival the bubbles this summer! :) I had planned on giving Seth his first haircut on his birthday but time got away from me and before I knew it, he was in bed. I finally got to it today though. It was quite a shock at first but it's starting to grow on me and as it gets a little longer I think it will be very cute.
Papa making the pancakes.
Despite the look on his face in this picture he really did enjoy his breakfast.
Jed after his eye appointment in his super cool glasses. :)
The birthday boy eyeing up his cake.
Evan having a ball singing his favorite song, "Happy Birthday!"
Seth's new haircut.
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