Well after weeks of feeling constantly horrible today has been a nice break. I woke up and had breakfast and instead of morning sickness immediately kicking in I felt fine. That last until about 11, exhaustion and queasiness set in so the boys and I took a nap which was really good. When we got up I was still feeling kind of yucky so we had lunch and I'm feeling really good again, therefore I felt like I should finally update this thing. I apologize for being so neglectful, it wasnt on purpose. I'm really looking forward to my second trimester when life should be back to normal and I no longer have the constant urge to puke! As you can imagine we havent been up to much lately with me feeling so bad. Last week Jed and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary. It was pretty low key, we just went out to dinner as a family but it was good. This past weekend Jed was finally able to get to the boys toddler bunkbeds, I thought it would take him a long time to get it done but he finished in 1 day. It went so well for him that he wants to add a bookshelf when he has time. Well, thats about it, I will leave you with pictures.

For Christmas my mom gave us money to buy the boys a picnic table from her. Well since December all the picnic tables in our area have been sold out, we've litterally search every store. About a week ago we found this one, mom I know its not the one that you specified but its all we could find and they LOVE it!

Seth is our little drummer boy. :)

He did such a good job! The boys are very excited about their new beds!

My three boys!
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