On Monday we went to the Jacksonville zoo. We had a good time but Seth was starting to get sick so our trip was cut short. We did however have time to stop at a nice cafe and have lunch. Jed waited in line to order our food while the boys and I sat outside at a table. Acrossed from us was a family and the mom had her back to us. Evan, my observant child, starts pointing at the woman and saying something that I couldn't understand, he yelled it 3 or 4 times before I looked over and it all made sense, he was shouting at the top of his lungs, "Mom, look its a BUTT!" The woman was wearing low rise jeans and about 3 inches of her bottom was exposed for the whole world to see. As I was comprehending this Evan continued to shout the word "butt" about 5 more times before I could tell him to stop. Fortunately the lady was so wrapped up in her own conversation that she didnt notice. So I changed the subject and we waited for Jed, I had pretty much forgotten about the incident until he walked up and Evan announced, "Daddy, I saw that lady's butt." Pointing to the woman as she was walking away from us. I explained everything to Jed and we both laughed and Evan was pretty proud of himself for being so funny.
We also went camping this weekend on Amelia Island. It was beautiful! The campground had access to both the intercoastal and the ocean. We were on the intercoastal side and were less than a hundred yards away from the beach. We had a blast going for walks everyday, throwing rocks and seashells into the water. At night we sat around the fire and roasted marshmallows while also trying to defend our campsite against racoons and armadillos or as Seth and Evan call them, "cartoons" and "mr. jellos". :) Other than the unwanted intruders, it was by far my favorite place we've been to here in Florida. I told Jed that if he could get a job in the area I would move in a heartbeat!

Seth and the big kids hanging out on the dock.

Running on the dunes.

Walking to Fort Clinch

Evan in the fort.


Big Guns.

I didnt realize I was taking this picture but it cracks me up.

Mr. Dave caught a Mr. Jello

He brought it over to our camper so the boys could see.

At the zoo. The gorillas were our fave and no I didnt get a picture of the lady and her waredrobe malfunction. :)
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