Friday, June 16, 2006

Sick Boy

Evan had a temperature of 102 today.  Hes usually awake by 7:30 am but this morning he didnt make a peep until 10 and once he was up, he was miserable.  He was very sensitive, everytime I would try to take his temperature (under his arm) he would start screaming and I'd have to hold him in my lap so he wouldnt run away.  Other than that he spent most of the day on the couch watching tv, I felt so bad for him that we had an all day wiggles marathon.  If I hear another wiggles song I think I'm going to throw up.  So anyway here are some pictures of happier times (yesterday). 

 Evan loves to snuggle with Seth but sometimes he gets carried away.  They're so cute!

Look at Gwen sneaking into this picture. 

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