We surprised the kids by taking them to Aunt Jessie and Uncle Nate's house for Halloween this year!
On the way up we stopped in Savannah and spent the night. The city was celebrating Halloween downtown that night so every parking spot was taken. We drove the scenic River Street before heading to our hotel. The next morning we enjoyed the free all you can eat breakfast at the hotel. The boys were in heaven! We didn't have a problem finding a parking space at 9am so we walked River Street, enjoying the view and our morning coffee. We were easily on the road before 10.
We made it to Jessie's house just after Blake got off the school bus! The 6 boys greeted one another before disappearing for much of the weekend upstairs to play Wii or watch Netflix. Isla became Sofie's shadow while Celia happily explored the house.
Halloween was a full day, Grey had a costume birthday party, we went to a Trunk or Treat event, Trick or Treated around the neighborhood and ended the night with Thai take out for the adults!
Sunday morning we had our traditional sendoff breakfast at Biscuitville. Yum!
After 6 hours on the road we made it to Jacksonville and met up with my sister who recently moved back from Colorado! We all finally got to meet our newest family member, baby Violet!
Celia sat like this about 50% of our trip up and back.
Jed and I found it highly amusing!
Savannah is so cool!
The kids loved watching the ships come and go.
We couldn't pass up a photo op with a giant pumpkin!
Watching my family climb these stairs was both cool and terrifying!
Group shot!
We of course stopped at South of the Border!

Finally we made it to NC! These two are a hoot to watch and listen to.
I got to watch the behind the scenes magic as my sister in law made an amazing two tiered rainbow birthday cake!
Isla's first sleepover! It makes my heart happy that she has such an awesome role model in Sofie, look at the two of them reading!!
Celia seemed to be on a mission to tear anything and everything she could find apart.
Jed and Nate spent the first evening out back shooting their bows.
He shot an arrow into another arrow! Now I just need him to shoot me a deer!

Grey's birthday party was awesome! Costumes, cakes, a castle park, an edible arrangement, it doesn't get any better!
Celia wore the body part of her costume happily but whenever I would put her flower hat on she slumped over like this in protest. Despite finding her adorable and this reaction amusing I only made her wear it for pictures.

Before we headed out for trunk or treat we got a family pic!
Notice Celia's pouty face, I'm literally supporting her upper body so she can't slump over!
I didn't take any pics while we were out. We had a great time. There was a pet zoo, hot dogs, bounce houses and a dance party! The dancing was amazing. Isla was channeling her inner Elaine from Seinfeld, sooo funny. Blake taught our boys how to break dance... I only wish the lighting had been good enough to take video!
The kids made a killing tricking or treating. Unfortunately Blake got sick a few houses in and had to go back. I think break dancing for 30+ minutes in a full body Halloween costume took its toll.
Apparently Celia wasn't satisfied with candy, soon after we got back she ransacked the pantry and had her way with a box of Trix!
The final meal together. Grey's not used to girly snuggles.
Getting everyone to smile never works, I think silly faces should become the new standard for group shots!
Violet is just the sweetest little thing!
We're so thankful for all the family we got to see in just a few days!