Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Kane slipped up today. See he's on a speaking boycott, well, other than words that are necessary like, "more", "no" and "yeah!". Although he's more likely to speak for people outside of the immediate family. So I was surprise when he was pointing to a picture of me and said, "Momma!" The best part, he said it a second time before realizing his mistake! I know he's almost two and I'm getting excited about him saying "momma" but I havent heard him say it since around his first birthday just before he started his boycott. I'm not really sure why he refuses to speak, I dont think he even knows why he refuses to speak but he is definitely stubborn about it!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Not Me
I've decided to try participating in Mckmama's Not Me Monday. This is a first for me! Here we go.
This weekend my family (all 6 of us) did not load into our van and drive around our city looking for hidden container via gps and an iphone app (aka Geocaching). I did not walk around a Walgreens parking lot looking for the container only to realize it was in a light post and I was going to have to pry at part of the light post in broad day light to get to it. After obtaining said container I did not then realize that I didnt have a pen to sign the log book inside! This was not embarassing at all because I did not do any of these things!
Last week I did not go to Kohls with my niece Joy to look for clothes. I did not discover that they now sell adult sized rompers and I did not think it was so funny that I had to try some on! I did not then let Joy take a picture of me in said romper, looking not at all ridiculous, and I certainly didnt text the picture to my husband. And of course I would never post the photo on my blog.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
8 Weeks
Friday, June 18, 2010
Disaster Not Averted
Monday, June 14, 2010

Children's Church
Evan learned the story of Cain and Abel. When the teacher mentioned Cain, Evan said, "My brother?!" The teacher explained that it was a different boy. However he was further confused when at the end of the story baby Seth was born. When I picked him up he held up his lesson booklet, pointed to a picture of a cartoon baby and said, "Mom there's a picture of my brother Seth in my book today!" Since we dont have an Abel I wonder how long it'll take Evan to become suspicious of Kane... :)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
It was a big day for Evan at school! They had a splash party for all the older kids and that night was his graduation!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Month 1
What this kid loves: Eating, his sling, being snuggled, watching a little tv with daddy, sleeping especially in bed with mommy, looking around when awake, being talked or sung to, bouncing in his bouncy seat, burping huge burps that sound more like he's throwing up...
What this kid isnt fond of: Both dirty diapers and having his diaper changed, his carseat, his swing, being still, being alone, gas...
He really is a very good baby. He's rather ambitious too. At his two week appointment last month the doctor put him on his stomach and he rolled over to his back which he does regularly now. He tries so hard to hold his head up to look around while I'm walking around with him. He has smiled for both Joy and daddy but not me. :( Oh well, soon enough.
What this kid isnt fond of: Both dirty diapers and having his diaper changed, his carseat, his swing, being still, being alone, gas...
He really is a very good baby. He's rather ambitious too. At his two week appointment last month the doctor put him on his stomach and he rolled over to his back which he does regularly now. He tries so hard to hold his head up to look around while I'm walking around with him. He has smiled for both Joy and daddy but not me. :( Oh well, soon enough.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
We visited our favorite bakery this weekend. It was our first time taking the boys with us and to be honest I think they would have been just as happy with Dunkin Donuts. However I had an eclair that was to die for and Jed got the delicious apple pie. Its probably a good thing it takes us an hour to get here!
This is the produce stand thats right next door, I love buying local.

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