That is Evan's new word. I gave him some raisins for a snack today but not enough apparently because he polished off the bowl and wanted more. He "asks" for more by jamming the bowl in my face and yelling, "MOE". Lately I've been wanting to teach him to be more polite but I wasnt sure how to do that because he barely speaks. So I made my first attempt today at teaching him to say please when he wants something. I told him to say please if he wanted more. He continued to hold out his bowl and smile at me. I told him that I wouldnt get him raisin until he said please and he kind of frowned for a minute and then said "moe". I said, "No." He got a little upset and then asked again. I said, "Say please." He said "yeah!" I said, "Say please or no more raisins." He scowled at me and started whining. I sat quietly for a few minutes while he threw a small fit. Then he pulled himself together and asked again. I didnt respond and wouldnt you know it the next word out of his mouth was "please!" Well, I guess it was "pease" but close enough. I told him he was a good boy, grabbed his bowl and gave him more raisins. A few minutes later, the bowl was in my face and "pease" was shouted. Now, "pease" is apparently the magic word for everything. :) I think it was a good thing though because I learned that he's capable of speaking and he definitely understands most of what I'm saying, he's just choosing not to speak unless its necessary.
Also yesterday was Jed and my anniversary! I cant believe its already been 4 years! This is what we did to celebrate:


Jed got a great deal on annual passes last week and we both love theme parks so we thought, what a fun way to spend the day. We spent most of our time at Universal Studios trying to see and do as much as we could. We went on almost every single ride except two because the lines were so long. Then at the end of the day we headed over to Islands of Adventure. We didnt get to see much because we got there at 6:30 and the park closed at 7. We'll be going back though! Gotta love the annual pass!