Friday, February 24, 2012

Anemic = Lack of Posting?

I had a midwife appointment yesterday, it was the big Gestational Diabetes test, while I passed that with flying colors, I confirmed what I had suspected, I am anemic.  The constant fatigue, ice cravings and my body feeling like it weighed an extra 500 lbs were the big giveaways. 

Since my symptoms aren't convenient for running a 6 person home nor pleasant nor healthy for that matter, I'll be going on a few vitamin supplements.  I'm really hoping this kicks the over all crappy feeling I've had since I got pregnant.  

So I try to nap when the boys nap which is when I used to blog hence my blogging has been few and far between.  Plus life has been busy but pretty mundane.

We did go camping last weekend at the same campground as last time.  When we left home it was so hot I was wearing shorts!  It was a nice change of pace from the usual freezing weather we have but it brought out the bugs in the swampy forest.  The bug repellent did it's job on the mosquitoes but the No-see-ums were undeterred no matter the copious amount of spray.  By Saturday we were all covered in bug bites that would sporadically and intensely itch.  Sunday night was the worst as Ford was kept awake most of the night scratching and crying.  Jed and I took turns cuddling him trying to get him back to sleep, he finally passed out around 5:30, just an hour before his big brothers woke up for the day.

Oh and speaking of bugs, poor Evan got two ticks!  Other than the one Jed had a few years ago Evan is the only one to get them, which doesn't make sense considering his little brothers spend just as much time in the shrubs and rolling on the ground as he does!  I've decided we're just going to shave his head before we go camping from now on that way I might have a chance of catching them before they latch on. Ick!

Despite the bugs we managed to have a great time.  The boys spent the majority of their time on their scooters, in fact they broke two of the three of them!  The big boys (Jed, Jay, Joseph and Jon) mastered the art of melting glass in a campfire and I had both Sonic and Little Caesars in one day (we don't have either in our city).  

Of course no trip is complete without a major Kane melt down.  Here he is screaming at the top of his lungs because he decided to climb on the rocks and suddenly developed a great fear of "rock ants and spiders".  They are apparently invisible to the rest of us.  

A melt down of a different sort, using the holes in bricks as the molds for the glass beads we bought. Quite elaborate, I know but entertaining none of the less. 

They turned out kinda pretty. 

Winding down after a long day of playing hard.  

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Los like so much fun!