Tuesday, August 10, 2010


This weekend Jed and I went to Target to return a few things and wander around. As we were heading towards the exit an older man walked up to Jed. I was behind Jed holding Evan and Seth's hands with Ford in the sling. As I watched the man give Jed a side hug and lean in very close to him I braced myself for the awkward moment. Anytime someone approaches us its usually to solicit, we've been asked for money, to join pyramid schemes, to support environmental movements, ect. So imagine our shock when this man handed Jed a $10 bill and told him to buy something for our boys! He said he had four boys and we reminded him of the days when they were all young. He smiled while quickly walking away, barely giving us a chance to thank him. For a moment, we were in shock at the kindness of this stranger before we finally pulled it together and made our way back to the toy isle. The boys had a great time picking out their new treasures.

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