Monday, August 28, 2006


My sister in law, Becky and her family are visiting with us this week.  They got here Saturday afternoon and are staying with us until Thursday.  Thursday night we're all planning on driving up to Tennessee to meet Jed's parents for Labor Day weekend.  Right now we're watching Hurricane Ernesto to see if its going to ruin our plans.  Last night it was expected to directly hit us on Thursday night but now it might go right of us and come earlier.  Basically we have no idea what its going to do and we just have to wait it out. 
The kids are having a blast together.  Taylor and Haley have discovered how to play hide and seek with our dog Gwen and Evan follows the girls around laughing.  He thinks they're so entertaining.  We went swimming yesterday.  Taylor and I practiced our jumps into the pool, it was fun trying to teach Taylor how to dive and flip into the pool.   
 Haley, Maggie and Taylor
Evan giving Maggie a little hug. 

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